Global Housing and Real Estate Summit and Expo 2020

Global Housing and Real Estate Summit is to bring people
together to build homes, communities and hope.

All stakeholders in the housing sector — central and local governments, builders, lenders, communities and residents — must work together to solve housing problems.

Sometimes even the best efforts are thwarted by the lack of sound housing policies and practices. Without the freedom to live free from the fear of eviction, without adequate infrastructure, and without incentives to build appropriately and accordably, millions of families worldwide will remain poorly housed.

we see a clear need to advocate for better housing policies. GHRESE2020 is a platform to assess the regulations, policies and practices under which housing in individual countries are built.

It provides a neutral basis on which advocates can engage with local, national and international governments to embrace policies that work and change those that impede progress for the local,national and global progress in the industry.

Globe chamber of Commerce and Industry.


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Real Estate Summit is to bring people together to build homes, communities and hope.